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Anacortes Waterfront Festival

About this event

Anacortes Waterfront Festival – June 3 & 4

The annual Anacortes Waterfront Festival will be held on Saturday/Sunday (June 3 & 4).  As in the past, the Anacortes Yacht Club has been asked to provide free boat rides. This is the largest outreach event to the community sponsored by our club.  We will be promoting our support of the high school sailing team during the festival.  If our customers would like, they will be able to donate $$$ to the team.

As a member of the Anacortes Yacht Club, I would ask for you to consider volunteering for this year’s Festival.  Opportunities are:

  • Boat Skippers to provide boat rides for the public
  • Hospitality Escort – take each group to their respective boats prior to departure
  • Registration – register riders and provide credentials
  • Dockhands – help load/unload passengers and retrieve/launch boats

Boat rides will last approximately 45 minutes on Fidalgo Bay.  First session time is from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM on both days and second session runs from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM on Saturday / 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM on Sunday.  

Date and Time

Saturday, June 03, 2023, 8:00 AM until Sunday, June 4, 2023, 4:00 PM


Cap Sante Marina


Event Contact(s)

Bob Neumann



Registration Info

Registration is required
Activities/Items (Click the down-arrow to view details)
Boats & Skippers Saturday am
Boats & Skippers Saturday pm
Boats & Skippers Sunday am
Boats & Skippers Sunday pm
Registration Desk Saturday am
Registration Desk Saturday pm
Registration Desk Sunday am
Registration Desk Sunday pm
Dock Hand Saturday am
Dock Hand Saturday pm
Dock Hand Sunday am
Dock Hand Sunday pm
Hospitality Escort Saturday am
Hospitality Escort Saturday pm
Hospitality Escort Sunday am
Hospitality Escort Sunday pm,
Help Anywhere Needed Saturday am
Help Anywhere Needed Saturday pm
Help Anywhere Needed Sunday am
Help Anywhere Needed Sunday pm