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How do I include my spouse/partner and guests when signing up for dinner?

Once logged in, the system already knows who the member is. 
Go to the Primary Registrant Box, if you are registering your Spouse, click the sign up member buttton.

Click the "Select", a box will appear "Select Member", type in the first few letters of the members last name in the Search For block and click on the Search button, select the desired name from the list that appears and click the "Select" button.

Click the "Next" button at the bottom of the page and continue to the payment page to complete the registration.

If you registering your Spouse and any additional guests go to the "Who is registering for this event", Click the "This member +" option and enter the number of people other than yourself with the + or - buttons. (example:  2 for Spouse and one other guest.)  You will be asked for name of guest(s) and whether they are a member or non-member.

Any member may call Club Express for help. 1-866-HLP-CLUB (457-2582)
How to find open volunteer positions
You can volunteer using the Events Calendar but there is another way. Go to the menu AYC after logging in and select Volunteering. Here you can search for Category = Bartender or Name = Race. This shows open opportunities pretty much the same as our old Use the magnifying glass to start a search.

Here are some screenshots to help:

volunteer search

bartending search   OR    
The spouse / partner can now have a separate login.
In the past, every membership used a single login. New this year, every member has the ability to login and create his/her very own profile page. If you are happy with the way it is right now, you do not have to change a thing and there is no reason to read the rest of this message. Thanks! This just gives us options we did not have before.

Why the change? 
  • The new website made it difficult if not impossible to look up and contact many of the active spouses/partners in the club
  • The online roster displayed only the primary member in the search results.
  • My interests and opinions are very different from my husband's
  • It's easier to register as a volunteer
  • Your dinner purchases, registrations, and membership dues will still be associated with the membership. (Still choose Guests when registering your dinner companion, then select the Member tab)
  • Your individual photo can be displayed on your profile page, but please make sure we have a photo of both of you for the print roster. Upload location coming soon, or email to
It is not a requirement that you activate your own personal profile. If you choose not to activate before August 2018, we may "demote" you in an effort to save the club a few nickels each month. 
Explanation of fees: ClubExpress, our website and member management provider, bills us by the number of members we have. It costs $4.32/membership/year. A membership consists of a base profile and can include a family member at no added charge. If the membership chooses to have a second profile login, the cost is $2.16/secondary member/year. The Club will pay these fees, regardless of which option you choose.
To activate, go to Member Login. If you share a computer and the primary member has selected Remember Me, it will log him in automatically. Click on his/her name, and select Login as a different user. To create a username or password, click Forgot My Username/Password below the login box, enter your first name and your email address. You'll receive an email with your username and password. It may take up to 5 minutes.
Note - your email address must be different from the primary member's address, and it must be associated with your membership.
My website login doesn't work.
We were unable to transfer passwords from the old website when we moved to a new platform in February, 2018. To enable access, click Forgot My Username/Password below the login box, enter your first name and your email address. You'll receive an email with your username and password. It may take up to 5 minutes. Make sure the email address you use is the one listed in our roster.

How do I make it easier to register?
Make it easier to pay for club events, dinners and merchandise. If you log in before you register or visit the ship's store, most of your information will be pre-filled including your credit card! (Note- cc saved only with your permission) How easy is that?
If you don't log in, and fill out the forms and submit without logging in, you'll create a new "non-member" account. 
One benefit to logging in first, your transactions are saved for your review. Plus of course you can access the member roster, blogs that are not public, and member photo albums that are not public.

Where do I update my wife's profile page?
Good question.

How to send bulk email to a specific group
Garth asked me how to create a report showing who selected what volunteer choices, the goal being to contact the members. Instead of a report, here's how to send a blast email to that specific group. This is only offered to members with admin privileges! Must be an active volunteer with a legitimate reason to gain this access. 

As with anything involved with this website, take the time to read the screen. You'll find hints and tips that I may have missed.

 After logging in, find the Control Panel > Communications > Emailing

Click Add Emailingemail blast

First you'll need to select a template. I can create a custom template for you but Bob's seems appropriate for this. You can experiment but if you create several drafts that you really won't use, please remember to delete them, carefully. We don't like clutter.

Next comes a Basics pop up. The category is only for internal use, to help us find the email blast after sending.
I always check Allowed on View Email page but as yet have not made a way for users to see these emails. It might be just for email addy's at Another project ...
Change the from name and email addy and add a subject.
I always use HTML, track opens, and allow personalization.

It's always a good idea to save your draft. Several times.
Next select Distribution List and click the edit icon.

To keep things neat and tidy, let's create a new distribution list, and don't check the box to save as a pre-defined list.
Use the dropdown to find "Members with a specific answer to a club question". It gets a little tricky here as you need to know the answers offered as selections to the member when they fill out their member profile. The question is Volunteer and bar operations is one of the choices. Before clicking save, compare what you see with the image below.

Check that the count is reasonable. Don't worry about invalid or refused, you can follow up on that later.

Now you can edit the email content. This might be a good time to save your draft.
Personalization is used if, for example, you want to say 'Dear Tom' or 'member since 2016' or anything else you find in the personalization dropdown. 
Select the text and replace with your own. Keep it simple. AYC standard font is Times New Roman but it looks like this particular template uses Arial. Using this email content editor can be challenging if you try to get too creative. You can always call Club Express support with questions. Always send a test to yourself. 

Click Ready for Delivery when you're done and it queus up to send now or when you said to send it, back  in Basics.
There's reports and ways to tell who opened the email and interesting stats to look through after it goes out.