AYC Reciprocal Moorage Program at Cap Sante Marina
Winter moorage is at slip C-10 from Sept. 30 – Apr (Call Port Office (360) 293-0694 or VHF 66A)
Anacortes Yacht Club has two summer slips:
O-98 (Length: 36’) & O-91 (Length: 46’);
O-91 available: April 1st - September 30th
O-98 available: April 1st - September 30th
Also see info at: yatchdestinations.org
Please register at the aluminum kiosk at the head of slip. Include your name, number of nights at dock, boat name, home yacht club, and your contact information. Take a copy of visitor guide.
A fee of $20.00Deposit per night (with or w/o electricity) per boat either at dock or rafted.
Pay By Credit Card
WHILE AT “O” DOCK (April-Oct.)
Rafting is allowed. The boat closest to the dock will have access to 30 AMP power; rafted boats may not have access to power. Cap Sante Marina does not allow any boat overhang into the fairway. We would not want any damage to occur to your vessel from passing vessels.
The slips are available for 2 nights per month or maximum 6 nights per year.
611 Rotary Lane
Anacortes, WA 98221
(Cap Sante Marina, north of O & P docks)
Phone: 360-293-5277
Web: www.anacortesyachtclub.org
(Reciprocal Visitors welcome; bring membership card)
Friday 17:30 – 20:00
CAP SANTE MARINA OFFICE (Fuel and Pump-Out available in the marina)
1019 Q Avenue
Anacortes, WA 98221
Telephone: (360)293-0694
Monitors: VHF 66A
Location: Next to flag poles at the head of “C” and D” Docks.
Check with Marina Office for codes to access restrooms and laundry.